Sunday, July 13, 2014

JSER цитиран во European Journal of Social Work

Почитувани колешки и колеги,
Уште едно цитирање во престижно европско списание European Journal of Social Work Volume 17, Issue 2, 2014 од страна на авторите Miroslav Brkić, Aleksandar Jugović и Nenad Glumbić  во трудот Residential care for children with intellectual disabilities in the social protection system in Serbia. Ова списание за 2012 година има импакт фактор 0.517. Имено, овие автори го цитираат трудот на Слободанка Лазовска Здравковска под наслов PROCESS OF DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA објавен во Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation во вол. 8, број 3-4, 2007. Во продолжение е апстрактот на трудот.

This paper presents and discusses the characteristics of the social protection of children with intellectual disabilities who are placed in children's homes in Serbia. It draws on a survey that covered the entire population—586 users in all five institutions for children with intellectual disabilities who resided there in 2009. The analysis shows the heterogeneity of users in relation to age and degree of intellectual disability, their long-term stay in homes, the inadequate structural and functional standards, and insufficient health care. Residential care becomes the most common form of permanent rather than temporary care. These findings suggest the need for a number of strategies to be adopted, and the paper concludes by outlining potential ways forward.

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