Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Почитувани колешки и колеги,
Сакам да ве информирам дека излезе од печат мојот најнов коавторски труд заедно со проф. д-р Дејвид Прис од Универзитетот во Нортхемптон. Трудот со наслов PARENT EDUCATION IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER – A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE е објавен во хрватското списание Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, Vol.53 No.1 Srpanj 2017.
 Инаку трудот е дел од заедничкиот #ESIPP проект во кој учествува Македонското научно здружение за аутизам. Доколку сте заинтересирани за трудот истиот ќе можете да го сименте во слободен пристап од следниот линк.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Термини за полагање испити за втор циклус студии - есенска сесија 2017

Почитувани постдипломци,
Ви ги давам на увид термините за полагање на моите испити од втор циклус студии за септемвриската испитна сесија. Тоа се следните датуми:

Аутизам во 09:00 часот
Медицинска рехабилитација на лица со моторни нарушувања во 11:00 часот

Аутизам во 09:00 часот
Медицинска рехабилитација на лица со моторни нарушувања во 11:00 часот

Го задржувам правото за промена на термините заради виша сила. Нека е со лесно подготвувањето на испитите. Имајте убав летен одмор.
Предметен наставник

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Listening to (empower) parents: family education for children on the autism spectrum in south-east Europe

European Research Network about Parents in Education (ERNAPE)
11th Biennial Conference: 'Intensification, constraint and opportunity: changing roles for parents, schools and communities. Addressing equity and diversity issues'.
5-7 July 2017, Whitelands College, University of Roehampton, London UK.

David Preece PhD1, Loizos Symeou PhD2, Jasmina Stošić PhD3, Eleni Theodorou PhD2, Katerina Mavrou PhD2, Jasmina Troshanska PhD4, Jasmina Frey Škrinjar PhD3, & Vladimir Trajkovski MD, PhD4

1. Centre for Education and Research. School of Education, University of Northampton
2. School of Arts and Education Sciences, European University Cyprus.
3. Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb.
4.  Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism.

Presenting authors: David Preece & Loizos Symeou


General description: Autism challenges traditional parenting styles, and can make parents feel deskilled and disempowered, especially if little information or support is available to them.  Giving accurate information about autism to parents, and teaching them to adapt their parenting using good autism practice has been shown to be effective in improving personal, educational and social outcomes for individuals with autism and their families (Green et al., 2010). However, in some parts of Europe, such support is extremely limited or non-existent. 
This paper reports on a three-year EU-funded project (September 2015-August 2018) in which family members, professionals and academics are working together in a strategic partnership. The partnership’s objectives are to develop a core parent autism training curriculum/locally appropriate parent education materials and methods, to provide parent education in three south-eastern European countries, and to share the curriculum and materials with stakeholders across Europe.

Methods/methodology: The project is evaluated using a combined process and outcome evaluation methodology (Royse et al., 2009). This includes the use of quantitative methods (pre-training, post-training and follow up parent questionnaires, incorporating a validated Quality of Life scale), qualitative methods (parent interviews, trainer focus groups and trainer reflective diaries) and document analysis.

Findings: The paper presents an overview of the work undertaken by the partnership to date. This comprises a survey of parents (n=148) and the identification of the core curriculum (Preece et al., 2016), the development of the training materials and training teams, and the establishment of the parent training courses.
Initial parent training courses have been held in the three countries between March 2016 and March 2017. Findings are shared from the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data collected with regard to the experience of living with autism of these parents (n=approx. 120), the training and its impact. Implications for the further development of the project are identified and discussed.

Key words: parent education, family quality of life, autism.