Monday, October 7, 2013

Anderson Center for Autism (ACA) International Fellowship Program.

Почитувани колешки,
Ви се обраќам вам бидејќи бараат дефектолози од женски пол. Пред неколку месеци објавив на мојот ФБ профил за постдипломски студии преку оваа интернационална програма. На конкурсот се јавиле двајца колеги кои не ги примаат заради сместувањето (веројатно имаат само сместување за женски индивидуи) и се јавиле две женски колешки кои не дале повратна информација. За секој случај да не сте го виделе тогаш еве ви се нуди можност за постдипломски студии во САД. Ви го препраќам писмото во целост на англиски јазик и ако сакате директно јавувајте се на линковите и кажете им дека јас ве препорачувам Од мене толку. Среќно со аплицирањето!

Anderson Center for Autism (ACA), officially announces its International Fellowship Program. We have had a successful twenty year period engaging Fellows from countries like Europe and South Africa and are prepared to support upwards of fifteen new Fellows for an initial one year period with the feasibility of an extension.

Anderson Center for Autism inspires candidates with Bachelor/ Master Degree in social service disciplines i.e. social services work, mental health, special education, Psychology and related studies to apply. There are two service area which fellows will work in both of these areas. These areas are residence and children’s services. In the Residential Program, Specialist provides the appropriate therapeutically documented level of student supervision and training to ensure and protect the students’ health and safety.  Under the direction and supervision of the Residence Manager (RM) the Residential Program Specialist is responsible for ensuring an environment that fosters continuous growth, independence and social interaction through age appropriate functional means. The Residential Program Specialist also has the responsibility of working with the team to develop and implement an IEP that meets the requirements of IDEA for each student in their residence.
The Teacher’s Aide assists the classroom teacher in implementing and maintaining educational systems and instructional programs within the classroom and school setting. The Teacher’s Aide implements student and classroom specific interventions as identified in student and classroom plans. The Teacher’s Aide maintains all appropriate student or classroom related documentation. In addition, the Teacher’s aide may work in a residential setting on campus.  The Teacher’s Aide is expected to assist students with skills associated with morning routines and safely transitioning students to the school building. Individual can also choose a concentration in children’s or adult services.

Job Requirements:
·         Have completed and obtained At a minimum Bachelors Degree directly related to the human service field such as, psychology, social work or social pedagogy (or related studies).       
·         Be able to speak, read and write English.
·         Have a valid passport.
·         Have the ability to obtain an International Drivers License.
·         Have enough resources to purchase a car and insurance for the car.
·         Have references from your school or workplace.
·         Be available to work in different shifts (day, afternoon, weekend) as required.
·         Be open-minded with a willingness to learn and exchange information.

v  Fellows will be responsible for their own airfare to and from the US. Anderson will arrange to receive and pick up the fellows arriving at the airports in the NY area (JFK, LGA).

-       Notes (benefits, help in finding accommodation…)
Anderson Center for Autism provides fellows:
  • Placing qualified candidates at ACA for 12 months on a J-1 trainee visa.
·       Offering  a stipend which is $900 per month
  • On-campus accommodation
  • Assist the fellow with the purchase of a car
  •  Health insurance
  • providing academic learning opportunities and certificate programs in the social services spectrum
  • Other support services to ensure a smooth immersion and acclimatization into the program and the country in general.
Contact info.
 Laura Taylor: or (845) 889-9225
Saba Dini: or (845) 889-9243

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