Често сум прашуван за моја објавена литература во списанието „Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation„ и тоа е мотивот да направам една библиографија на мои трудови објавени во ова наше интернационално списание. Од 1998 до 2011 година имам објавено 22 трудови, прикази на книги и слично, не сметајќи ги овде вестите кои ги објавував во првите три години од постоењето на списанието. Ова може да ви послужи како добар извор за референци и се надевам дека добро ќе го искориситите за цитирање во вашите идни трудови. Воедно сакам да ги потсетам моите магистранти и докторанди сегашни и поранешни дека треба да објавуваат трудови во меѓународни списанија, зашто само така ќе можат да го продолжат животот на своето научно дело.
Во прилог е списокот на 22 референци каде сум автор или коавтор.
- Kopachev D, Trajkovski V, Ajdinski G. Developmental disharmony of psychotic type overview from a neuropsychological aspect. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 1998; 2 (4): 40–46.
- Kopachev D, Trajkovski V, Ajdinski G. Disordered attention as neuropsychological cognitive disfunction. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 1998; 2 (4): 57–64.
- Trajkovski V. Medical genetics and ethics. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 1999; 3 (1-2): 49–53.
- Trajkovski V. Book review: Dr. Anastas Lakoski “Psychogenetics”. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 1999; 3 (1-2): 135–137.
- Trajkovski V. The meaning of mitochondrial diseases in defectology. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 1999; 3 (3-4): 31–37.
- Trajkovski V, Spiroski M. Imunodiagnostic and immunotherapy of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4 (1-2): 17–21.
- Kopachev D, Trajkovski V. The level of experience of the body whole in developmental dispraxic and disgnostic disorders. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4 (1-2): 110–116.
- Trajkovski V. Autism on Internet. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4 (3-4): 124–131.
- Trajkovski V. Book review: Dr. Goran Ajdinski “Developmental characteristics with easy mentally retarded students”. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4 (3-4): 193–194.
- Kopachev D, Trajkovski V. Autism and tuberous sclerosis. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4 (3-4): 84–89.
- Trajkovski V. Etiology of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2004; 5 (1-2): 61–74.
- Trajkovski V. The news in therapy of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2004; 5 (3-4): 43–56.
- Karevska A, Trajkovski V. Etiology of speech disorders in “Institute for Rehabilitation of Hearing, Speech and Voice” – Skopje. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6 (1-2): 27–34.
- Trajkovski V, Vasilevska K, Ajdinski Lj, Spiroski M. Epidemiological characteristics of autism in Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6 (3-4): 25–39.
- Grozdanovska B, Trajkovski V. Sequelae of acute bacterial meningitis in patients treated at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions in Skopje. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6 (3-4): 40–47.
- Rashikj O, Trajkovski V. Sexual abuse of people with mental retardation. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation Skopje, 2006; 7 (3-4): 57–67.
- Ajdinski G, Trajkovski V. Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2007; 8 (3-4): 15–24.
- Karanfiloski A, Trajkovski V. Sexual education for persons with disabilities. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2008; 9 (1-2): 55–66.
- Rashikj O, Trajkovski V. Sex education of persons with disabilities. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2009; 10 (1-2): 7–24.
- Mladenovska B, Trajkovski V. Opinions and attitudes of parents and students for sexual development, sexual behavior and gender identity of persons with autism in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2010; 11 (1-2): 7–24.
- Stankova T, Trajkovski V. Attitudes and opinions of employers, employees and parents about the employment of people with autism in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2010; 11 (3-4): 16–29.
- Todorov I, Trajkovski V. Evaluation of the language communicational skills of persons with Broca’s aphasia as a concomitance from cerebrovascular insult. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2011; 12 (1-2): 17–31.
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