Од 16 до 18 мај 2022 година во хотел „Инекс Олгица“ во Охрид ќе се одржи меѓународна научна конференција: „75 години Институт за педагогија - воспитно-образовни предизвици и перспективи“. На покана на организаторите, прифатив да учествувам со трудот: „Поддршка на учениците со аутистичен спектар на нарушување во образовниот процес“. Зборникот на апстракти е веќе објавен електронски на веб страницата на ФЗФ и мојот апстракт може да се цитира како:
Trajkovski V. Supporting pupils with autism spectrum disorder in
educational settings. Book of Abstracts International scientific conference: „75th Aniversary of
Institute of Pedagogy – Educational Challenges and Future Prospects“. Ohrid,
16-18 May 2022; 92-93.
Решив да го споделам апстрактот со македонската јавност.
of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and
Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia
Introduction: autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder, which affects the way a person communicates with and relates to other people and the world around them. About 1.55% of the general pupil body receive additional supports because they have been diagnosed with an ASD. The focus is on the needs of pupils with ASD and how they can be supported to achieve their potential. ASD is a spectrum condition, so some pupils with ASD require little support in school and are relatively independent in their learning.
The aim of the study is to shown kind of interventions, which can be effective for some pupils with ASD.
Results: there are numerous different approaches such as: antecedent-based interventions, behavioral packages, cognitive behavioral intervention, comprehensive pre-school or early interventions/programmes, discrete trial teaching, early intensive behavioral interventions, exercise, extinction, functional behaviour assessment, functional communication training, joint attention, language training, modelling, multi-component socials interventions, naturalistic intervention or naturalistic teaching strategies, parent-implemented interventions, Picture Exchange Communication System, pivotal response training, schedules, social narratives, social skills training, social communication training, technology-aided instruction and intervention, visual support, structured play groups, and many others.
Conclusions: classrooms are social environments that rely heavily on being able to interact, socialize and communicate with others effectively. The challenges that pupils with ASD face with regards to communication skills and socializing can intensify their feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. This can lead to a decrease in academic performance. Working with any of these methods can improve outcomes they can achieve.
Key words: autism spectrum disorder, pupils, support, school, classroom
На организаторите и сите учесниви им посакувам успешна конференција.
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