Ви се обраќам вам кои планирате мене да ме одберете за ментор. Еве со речиси целокупна финансиска поддршка од страна на ReAttach Therapy Foundation ви нудам обука и истражување во Холандија. Предност ќе имаат кандидатите со просек над 9:00, кои добро го познаваат англискиот јазик и кои сакаат да продолжат да соработуваат на полето на аутизмот и ReAttach методот и вклучително со МНЗА. Во продолжение ги проследувам модулите кои ќе ви бидат на располагање, вашите обврски и должности. Секако дека за оваа едукација ќе треба да потпишете и договор со кој ќе бидете обврзани до крај да ги завршите вашите обврски за да не плаќате пенали. Проследете ги информациите во оригинал на англиски јазик.
Претседател на МНЗА
Stichting ReAttach Therapy International
Research Internship Program 2019
ReAttach Academy provides a training program for academic interns.
Part I: ReAttach Basic Skills Training 3 days
Part II: Specialization Course C.A.T. Module 1 (embracing complexity / 1 day)
Part III: Additional Modules 2 - 8 (each module 1 day)
2. Conceptualization
3. Emotion Regulation
4. Coping
5. Communication
6. Multi Sensory Processing
7. Attachment
8. Performance
Admission Requirements
The academic intern needs to be supervised by a University Professor.
The academic intern submits a research plan and curriculum at ReAttach Academy.
The student needs to be registered at ReAttach Therapy International Foundation
A letter of recommendation of the supervising University Professor is required
The training is offered by ReAttach Therapy International Foundation.
Educational materials are offered by ReAttach Therapy International Foundation.
The student needs to pay a student-registration fee of 95 euro to ReAttach Therapy International Foundation. However students of Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski are free from charges. There is no student registration fee for Macedonia.
Student Obligations
Student are obliged to complete the ReAttach courses including treatment integrity check before they start conducting their research. It is important to measure if the technical part of the intervention is transferred well. Positive results on the treatment integrity check will lead to a ReAttach Diploma and therapist registration.
Therapist Obligations
ReAttach Academy offers train-the-trainer facilities in an accessible and affordable way. Therapists who want to train other professionals are welcome to contact ReAttach Academy to engage in trainer activities and attend a course for trainers. Therapists who train other students without a train-the-trainer course are not recognized by ReAttach Therapy International Foundation and will be removed from the register.
Data 2019 for Basic Skills Training
March 7, 8, 9
March 28, 29, 30
June 13, 14, 15
June 27, 28, 29
Specialization C.A.T. Module 1 (embracing complexity)
March 11
April 1
June 17
July 1
Specialization Module 2 Conceptualisation
March 12
April 2
June 18
July 2
ReAttach Academy
Dr. Paula Weerkamp-Bartholomeus
Supervising Professor:
By signing this agreement I accept the students obligations and therapist obligation for academic internship at the ReAttach Academy.
Student Obligations
Student are obliged to complete the ReAttach courses including treatment integrity check before they start conducting their research. It is important to measure if the technical part of the intervention is transferred well. Positive results on the treatment integrity check will lead to a ReAttach Diploma and therapist registration. Students who will be not complete the course and research program need to compensate full costs of ReAttach Academy and supervising Professor. Dutch law will be applied.
Therapist Obligations
ReAttach Academy offers train-the-trainer facilities in an accessible and affordable way. Therapists who want to train other professionals are welcome to contact ReAttach Academy to engage in trainer activities and attend a course for trainers. Therapists who train other students without a train-the-trainer course are not recognized by ReAttach Therapy International Foundation and will be removed from the register.
Date: Intern: ReAttach Academy
Dr. Paula Weerkamp-Bartholomeus
Stichting ReAttach Therapy International / Kerkplein 2 / 6367 ER Voerendaal Nederland
https://reattachfoundation.com / reattachfoundation@gmail.com / tel +31 624675619 VAT:nonprofit
KvK: 68641591 IBAN NL22SNSB0948303190 / BIC/SWIFT SNSBNL2A Croeselaan 1 3521 BJ Utrecht
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