Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Цитирани во Behavioral Interventions

Почитувани колешки и колеги,
Нашиот труд Higher plasma concentration of food-specific antibodies in persons with autistic disorder in comparison to their siblings е цитиран во реномиранто списание Behavioral Interventions во трудот со наслов A REVIEW OF COMPARISON STUDIES IN APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS од авторите Daniel B. Shabani и Wing Yan Lam. Behav. Intervent. (2013) Published online in Wiley Online Library DOI: 10.1002/bin.1361. Бидејќи списанието не е со отворен пристап нема да можам да го споделам целиот труд, туку само неговиот апстракт.

A commonly used research design in applied behavior analysis involves comparing two or more independent
variables. Typically, the relative effectiveness of two different interventions is measured on a
single dependent variable. In the current review, 54 comparison studies from seven different peerreviewed,
behavior analytic journals were evaluated between the years 2002 and 2011. Each study
was evaluated across seven dimensions: (1) experimental design, (2) setting, (3) participants, (4) type
of comparison, (5) number of comparisons, (6) treatment integrity, and (7) outcome. There were some
consistencies across studies, with half resulting in equivalent outcomes across comparisons. In addition,
most studies employed the use of an alternating treatments or multi-element single-subject design and
compared a teaching methodology. On the basis of these results, the value of comparison study as well
as directions for future comparison research is discussed. Overall, comparison study is a worthy and important
enterprise that requires a high degree of experimental control and a careful analyses of the results,
regardless of whether the outcome clearly favored one independent variable or not. Copyright ©
2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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