Saturday, December 7, 2013

Principles and Ethics in Scientific Communication in Biomedicine

Почитувани колешки и колеги,
Principles and Ethics in Scientific Communication in Biomedicine е насловот на трудот на проф. д-р Дончо Донев од Институтот за социјална медицина, мој драг повозрасен колега и пред се` добар пријател. Зошто го постирам ова на мојот блог? Па затоа што е реткост повозрасен колега и тоа од Медицинскиот факултет во Скопје да ве цитира два пати во ист труд. Под референца 22 цитиран сум со трудот: Trajkovski V. Ethics in publishing scientific papers. [In Macedonian]. Godisen zbornik na Filozofskiot fakultet, Univerzitet “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, Skopje, 2011: 453-67. Под референца 24 цитиран сум со трудот: Trajkovski V. Plagiarism in the scientific research. [In Macedonian]. Godisen zbornik na Filozofskiot fakultet, Univerzitet “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, Skopje, 2012: 262-273.
Трудот е објавен во Acta Inform Med. 2013; 21(4): 228-233. doi: 10.5455/aim.2013.21.228-233
Во продолжение ви го пренесувам апстрактот, а целиот труд можете да го симнете преку отворен пристап на следниот линк.

Introduction and aim: To present the basic principles and standards of scientific communication and writing a paper, to indicate the importance of honesty and ethical approach to research and publication of results in scientific journals, as well as the need for continuing education in the principles and ethics in science and publication in biomedicine. Methods: An analysis of relevant materials and documents, sources from the internet and published literature and personal experience and observations of the author. Results: In the past more than 20 years there is an increasingly emphasized importance of respecting fundamental principles and standards of scientific communication and ethical approach to research and publication of results in peer review journals. Advances in the scientific community is based on honesty and equity of researchers in conducting and publishing the results of research and to develop guidelines and policies for prevention and punishment of publishing misconduct. Today scientific communication standards and definitions of fraud in science and publishing are generally consistent, but vary considerably policies and approach to ethics education in science, prevention and penal policies for misconduct in research and publication of results in scientific journals. Conclusion: It is necessary to further strengthen the capacity for education and research, and raising awareness about the importance and need for education about the principles of scientific communication, ethics of research and publication of results. The use of various forms of education of the scientific community, in undergraduate teaching and postgraduate master and doctoral studies, in order to create an ethical environment, is one of the most effective ways to prevent the emergence of scientific and publication dishonesty and fraud.
Key words: scientific communication, principles, ethics; IMRAD structure, scientific fraud, plagiarism, ethics education.
Со овој пост сакам да му упатам јавна благодараност на професорот Донев заради несебичноста во цитирањето.

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