Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Борбата за името Македонија продолжува

Почитувани пријателки и пријатели,

Во неколку наврати имам кажано дека секој интелектуалец треба да ја води борбата на свој начин и дека ние како Македонци имаме право на самоопределување, а другите треба тоа да го почитуваат. Во петокот на 10 мај во вечерните часови ја добив следната е-пошта. Името на испраќачот воопшто не е битно.

„Hello, Dr. Trajkovski. I am a journalist with Science magazine's news section in Washington, D.C., and I wondered if I could ask for your help. I am gathering information for a news article about the cost of open-access publishing, with a focus on author fees (also called article processing charges or APCs) charged by journals to make articles open access immediately when published. One lady at EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) suggested I contact you because of your connection to EIFL and its efforts to help authors in developing countries find affordable ways to publish open access.
I would be interested in having a conversation with you, by Zoom or phone, about topics such as whether your recent papers have been eligible to be published open access at no charge under one of EIFL's agreements with participating publishers. I also wonder if you would describe your experience if any obtaining waivers under the Research4Life program; I know that North Macedonia is a Group B country in which participating publishers are expected to offer discounts.
My questions for you involve learning more about your experience with this type of open-access publishing, and with affording and obtaining waivers or discounts in authors' fees as needed. I'm curious whether you have found that the participating publishers have routinely offered these; and if they didn't, what choices you made, including finding money to pay the author's fee or submitting the manuscript to a different journal or publisher.
I welcome an initial response by email. If you are available to speak further directly, I would hope that we could schedule that in the near future. I do not have an imminent deadline. I would like to consider quoting you by name in my news article; I'm happy to discuss that with you. Thank you for your consideration“.

На сите им е јасно што претставува магазинот Science и каква популарност носи да дадете интервју таму, но мене ми е побитно името на мојата тактовина кое е бесправно и на перфиден начин променето. Му одговорив веднаш по половина час:

Hello Mr. Journalist,
Thank you for your email and interest in my work. I have been involved in EIFL work only in the last few months. I am not so familiar with their work in the past. I am editor-in-chief of Journal for Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (https://jhrs.almamater.si). We don't take APC's from authors. I prefere diamond open access journals. I don't like to pay APC's for journals because I am coming from a low to middle income European country. Sometimes in the past if I published with foreign authors we paid from project money or Western universities pay for that. I am from Macedonia, please don't use "North", because it is pejorative for more than 99% of Macedonians. Please respect my right for self determination. If you want a short interview with me the only condition is to put Macedonia in your magazine. If you don't agree with this, please don't cite me and don't call me. I prefer ZOOM next week, meeting for 15-20 minutes. The most appropriate time is 18:00, or 19:00 CET from Monday to Wednesday.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards from Macedonia,

Дури и по 4 денови него го нема, но и не мора да го има, бидејќи очигледно е дека не сака да го почитува моето право на именување на мојата татковина. Јас мислам дека сите интелектуалнци, професори, доктори, правници, инжинери, актери, економисти и други стручни профили треба да се борат на овој начин. Друг избор немаме. Борбата за Македонија продолжува...


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