Monday, November 10, 2014

Abstracts from 8th International Scintific Conference – „Special education and rehabilitation today“

Почитувани колешки и колеги,
Изминатиов викенд во Белград се одржа 8-от меѓународен научен собир „Специјална едукација и рехабилитација ДЕНЕС„. За жал не можев да присуствувам од веќе објаснети причини на мојот блог. Зборникот на апстракти е веќе излезен, па јас сакам да дадам скромен придонес со апстрактите во кои авторки или коавторки се две мои колешки-дипломки. Доколку ги користите за цитирање, ве молам правилно да бидат цитирани.

На страница 103 е објавен следниот апстракт:


Vladimir Trajkovskia, Tamara Cickovskab

aUniversity “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

b unemployed special educator

Introduction: The state of educational system in Macedonia, and the quality of inclusion of persons with autism spectrum disorders ASD, daily encourage countless debates and dilemmas that tend to determine the best shape and form of the inclusive model which is quite necessary for improving the quality of life.

Objective: The purpose of this research is to determine the attitudes of regular teachers for inclusion of people with autism and the views of parents who have a child with autism in the mainstream education system.

Methodology: Parents and teachers of 31 children with ASD were surveyed. Respondents were from 11 different primary schools from 3 cities in the southwestern region of Macedonia. This research is conducted by filling two survey questionnaires for both groups of respondents, which included open and closed type questions. The difference between the two groups was tested using a test that compared the differences in the frequencies of the given answers. Significant difference was taken on the significance level of p<0.05.

Results: The teachers to a significantly greater extent consider the curriculum as not appropriate for children with ASD, while parents to a significantly greater extent had the opposite attitude (Х2=37.01; df = 2; p <0.001). There is no statistically significant difference between the teachers and parents in terms of their views on the success of the work and education of children with ASD (Х2=0.485; df = 2; p = 0.785). Teachers in significantly greater extent don’t believe that the child should be included in regular classes, while parents in significantly greater extent considered that their child is ready for inclusion in regular classes (Х2=29.145; df = 2; p<0.001).

Conclusion: The expert team shows a higher degree of knowledge and positive attitudes about inclusion. Parents are closed and afraid to answer questions and therefore, were often aggressive and reluctant to cooperate and communicate. Teachers still have lack of knowledge about ASN. They are not well educated about methods of teaching of these pupils which is far from real inclusion.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorders (ASD), inclusion, mainstream schools, southwestern Macedonia.

How to cite this abstract?
      Trajkovski V, Cickovska T. Inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders in mainstream schools in southwestern Macedonia. Book of abstracts 8th International Scintific Conference – „Special education and rehabilitation today“. Belgrade, November 7-9, 2014; 103.

На страница 136 е објавен следниот апстракт:


Katerina MITEVSKAa, Prof. Dr. Vladimir TRAJKOVSKIb

aunemployed special educator

bUniversity “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Introduction: The mission of every educator is to teach the child with special needs of basic life skills, so it can function independently in frames of their possibilities and abilities. Children with autism, because of its specific characteristics, have significant difficulties in daily functioning. The purpose of this research was to perceive the grade of dependence in daily functioning of children with autism compared to children with mild intellectual disability.

Methodology: The entire sample includes 64 respondents, of which 32 parents of children with autism and 32 parents of children with mild intellectual disability. During the research we used questionnaire intended for both groups of participants which contains open and closed type questions, related to the independent execution of daily activities of children. For comparison of the results from both groups Chi square test and Fisher Exact test were used. The differences on a level of significance p < 0.05 were taken as significant.

Results: The results were processed with descriptive and comparative analysis. The children with autism execute partially independently most of the daily activities, while children with mild intellectual disability execute them fully independently. Based on the comparative analysis, it is determined that there is a significant statistical difference in the answers of parents on the question can their child function independently (Х2=35.18; df = 4; p<0.001), which confirms that the children with autism in much lesser extent can function independently compared to the children with mild intellectual disability. According to the comparative analysis, no significant statistical difference is found in the answers of parents whether the day centers and the schools which the children with autism and mild intellectual disability visit implement methods and strategies for improvement of their daily functioning (Х2=0.336; df = 1; p=0.562).

Conclusion: An intense work with special educators and more involvement by the family is needed for improvement of the quality of life of children with autism.

Keywords: autism, daily functioning, mild intellectual disability

How to cite this abstract?

    Mitevska K, Trajkovski V. The grade of dependence in daily functioning of children with autism compared to children with mild intellectual disability. Book of abstracts 8th International Scintific Conference – „Special education and rehabilitation today“. Belgrade, November 7-9, 2014; 136.

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