На 15 ноември, изминатиов викенд во Нови Сад се одржа третата по ред конференција во организација на зружението на дефектолози од Војводина под наслов: „Современа дефектолошка работа - рехабилитација, превенција на исклученоста и инклузија„. Зборникот на апстракти ќе можете да го симнете на веб страницата на здружението. Бев член на научниот одбор и пленарен предавач, што за мене претставуваше посебна чест и задоволство и тоа значи дека надвор некој ја цени мојата работа, за разлика од многу што се внатре.
Други презентери на теми од Македонија за жал немаше. Јас во коавторство со колешките Мери Трпеска и Андријана Тодоровска ја презентирав темата под наслов: Здравствена заштита на лицата со интелектуална попреченост и аутизам во Република Македонија. Се надевам дека темата им беше интересна на слушателите кои ги имаше околу стотина во амфитеатарот на Медицинскиот факултет. Во продолжение можете да го проследите нашиот апстракт на англиски јазик што се наоѓа на страница 25 и 26 во зборникот.
Како да го цитирате апстрактот:
Trajkovski V, Trpeska M, Todorovska A. Zdravstvena zaštita osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću i autizmom u Republici Makedoniji. Zbornik rezimea ‡ Međunarodna konferencija: „Savremeni defektološki rad – rehabilitacija, prevencija isključenosti i inkluzija“. Novi Sad, 15 novembar 2014; 24-25.
Како да го цитирате апстрактот:
Trajkovski V, Trpeska M, Todorovska A. Zdravstvena zaštita osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću i autizmom u Republici Makedoniji. Zbornik rezimea ‡ Međunarodna konferencija: „Savremeni defektološki rad – rehabilitacija, prevencija isključenosti i inkluzija“. Novi Sad, 15 novembar 2014; 24-25.
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski1, Meri Trpeska2, Andrijana Todorovska2
1 University Ss “Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2 unemployed special educator
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2 unemployed special educator
Introduction: Health protection is a system of measures and activities for improvement and health
nursing, prevention and inhibition of illness/disorders. The system of health protection is based on three
levels: primary, secondary, tertiary health protection. In Republic of Macedonia (RM) the health protection
of persons with intellectual disability is regulated by the law for health protection and the law for health
Aim: The aim of this research is to determine the health protection that receive the persons
with intellectual disability and autism, is this protection fit its components (detection, prevention, early
intervention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, rehabilitation) and helps those persons in the protection
and care of his/her mental and physical health.
Methodology: The whole sample includes total number of 162 persons, of whom 82 persons are
health workers, 40 are parents of people with intellectual disability and 40 parents of children with autism.
For this research a questionnaire was used, intended for three groups of examiners, which contains
questions from open, closed and combined type and questions with alternation. The comparison of the
three groups of examiners is analyzed with the Chi square test and Fischer Exact test, and the differences
with p<0.05 level of significance has been taken as significant.
Results: There is significant statistic difference in the answers of the examiners regarding the
question whether persons with intellectual disability enjoy their rights (p = 0.0181), wherewith we confirm
that persons with intellectual disability do not enjoy their rights of health protection. There is no particular
statistic difference in the answers of the two examined groups regarding the question whether persons
with intellectual disability have access to health services (p = 0.0509). From the other hand it could be
noticed that 55% of autistic parents do not agree that children with autism are included in the health
protection system. Parents in 92.5% stated that in health protection package rehabilitation of children
with autism is not provided.
Conclusion: The health protection in Republic of Macedonia does not completely fulfill its obligations to the persons with intellectual disability and autism. Every patient is entitled to health protection without
discrimination based on gender, race, language, faith, origin or any other status. Persons with those
disabilities have need for more communication and information regarding their health condition, more
access to the health specialist institutions, and extension of their age limit (over age 26 years) for free
participation fee in the health institutions. Regarding the health workers, who agree that the medical
examinations of persons with intellectual disability are more frequent, was determined that they need
additional training that would help them to improve their work.
Recommendations: Improvement of the cooperation among the three levels of health protection,
cooperation with different nongovernmental organizations, opening of new health service institutions
where the health of the persons with intellectual disabilities and autism will be watched, opening a register
of persons with intellectual disabilities and autism, establishment of up-to-date methods of treatment, as
well as methods and technologies for early detection.
Key words: health protection, intellectual disability, autism, laws, Republic of Macedonia.
nursing, prevention and inhibition of illness/disorders. The system of health protection is based on three
levels: primary, secondary, tertiary health protection. In Republic of Macedonia (RM) the health protection
of persons with intellectual disability is regulated by the law for health protection and the law for health
Aim: The aim of this research is to determine the health protection that receive the persons
with intellectual disability and autism, is this protection fit its components (detection, prevention, early
intervention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, rehabilitation) and helps those persons in the protection
and care of his/her mental and physical health.
Methodology: The whole sample includes total number of 162 persons, of whom 82 persons are
health workers, 40 are parents of people with intellectual disability and 40 parents of children with autism.
For this research a questionnaire was used, intended for three groups of examiners, which contains
questions from open, closed and combined type and questions with alternation. The comparison of the
three groups of examiners is analyzed with the Chi square test and Fischer Exact test, and the differences
with p<0.05 level of significance has been taken as significant.
Results: There is significant statistic difference in the answers of the examiners regarding the
question whether persons with intellectual disability enjoy their rights (p = 0.0181), wherewith we confirm
that persons with intellectual disability do not enjoy their rights of health protection. There is no particular
statistic difference in the answers of the two examined groups regarding the question whether persons
with intellectual disability have access to health services (p = 0.0509). From the other hand it could be
noticed that 55% of autistic parents do not agree that children with autism are included in the health
protection system. Parents in 92.5% stated that in health protection package rehabilitation of children
with autism is not provided.
Conclusion: The health protection in Republic of Macedonia does not completely fulfill its obligations to the persons with intellectual disability and autism. Every patient is entitled to health protection without
discrimination based on gender, race, language, faith, origin or any other status. Persons with those
disabilities have need for more communication and information regarding their health condition, more
access to the health specialist institutions, and extension of their age limit (over age 26 years) for free
participation fee in the health institutions. Regarding the health workers, who agree that the medical
examinations of persons with intellectual disability are more frequent, was determined that they need
additional training that would help them to improve their work.
Recommendations: Improvement of the cooperation among the three levels of health protection,
cooperation with different nongovernmental organizations, opening of new health service institutions
where the health of the persons with intellectual disabilities and autism will be watched, opening a register
of persons with intellectual disabilities and autism, establishment of up-to-date methods of treatment, as
well as methods and technologies for early detection.
Key words: health protection, intellectual disability, autism, laws, Republic of Macedonia.
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