Ова е насловот на мојот труд што требаше да го презентирам на конгресот во организација на „Дате ни крилја" на 15.10.2016 година. За жал уште пред 9 месеци ја имав договорено конференцијата во Суботица и не можев да присуствувам на двете конференции во исто време. Затоа, ви го споделувам апстрактот.
Претседател на МНЗА
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) encompasses wide variation in symptom severity
and functional impact. The core features of ASD include impairments in social
communication, repetitive behaviours and restricted interests. Evidence-based
practice includes a combination of the best available scientific evidence,
professional expertise, and understanding of client characteristics.
The aim of this article is to show
the best evidence based practice in the field of ASD.
The PubMed database and Google Scholar was searched using the keywords: autism,
evidence-based, and practice.
and discussion: The inclusion of various measures and tests in each
evaluation should be based on the relevance and application of the individual
client’s needs and what services are necessary for the person to best function
with the disorder. The core autism assessment domains for best practice
procedures are: Record review; Developmental and medical history; Medical
screening and/or evaluation; Parent/caregiver interview; Parent/teacher ratings
of social competence; Direct child observation; Cognitive assessment; Academic
assessment; Adaptive behavioral assessment; Communication and language
goal of existing interventions is to facilitate the acquisition of skills,
remove barriers to learning
improve functional skills and quality of life. The review of literature show
that established treatments are: Antecedent Package; Behavioral Package; Comprehensive
Behavioral Treatment for Young Children; Joint Attention Intervention; Modeling;
Naturalistic Teaching Strategies; Peer Training Package; Pivotal Response Treatment;
Schedules; Self-management; Story-based Intervention Package; and Medication
ASD is a remarkably heterogeneous constellation of conditions that covary with
other disabilities and disorders (e.g., intellectual disability, epilepsy,
ADHD, anxiety disorders) and various medical problems. New experimental
therapeutics hold promise for the treatment of core symptoms and have the
potential to alter developmental trajectories. Future research should focus on
how we can better match interventions to child and family characteristics
through personalized medicine over the lifetime of the patient.
words: autism spectrum disorders, evidence-based practice, assessment,
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