Saturday, March 1, 2014

Повторно цитиран труд од JSER

Почитувани колешки и колеги,
Сакам да ве информирам дека колегата Ram Lakhan повторно го автоцитира својот труд објавен во нашето списание: Lakhan R. Inclusion of children with intellectual andmultiple disabilities: a community based rehabilitation approach, India. Journal of Special Education andRehabilitation 2013; 14:79-97. Автоцитатот е направен во: Lakhan R, Ekúndayò OT.Application of the ecological framework in
depression: an approach whose time has come. AP J Psychol Med 2013; 14(2):103-9. Во прилог е апстрактот.
Depression is a common psychiatric disorder. It is a global health problem and a public health
concern. There is a need to explore and conceptualize a workable and comprehensive model that facilitates
the treatment and prevention of depression in the community. The ecological model that has been used in
several health issues may be viewed as an option.
This paper aims to propose an ecological model for depression; the model can describe a
comprehensive approach in treating and rehabilitating people with depression.
Application of a community model in psychiatry was first recorded by Lambo. However, application
of the ecological model in treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of depression has not been recorded. We
review and discuss the application of this model in this setting.
This ecological approach may be a useful approach in treating and rehabilitating individuals with
depression in the community. This may require some degree of community sensitization, empowerment and
mental health advocacy.
Keywords:ecological model; depression; mental health
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