Почитувани колешки и колеги,
Кога некој главен и одговорен уредник на странско списание ќе се интересира за размена со списанието кое вие го водите, можеби ќе ви звучи интересно. Но, кога тоа списание датира од 1950 година, има импакт фактор 1.048 и покрај тоа е индексринао во следните бази: SCI Expanded, Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Animal Science Database,
Biological Sciences (CSA), BIOSIS Previews, GreenFile, INIS, Pollution
Abstracts, Veterinary Science Database, Water Resources Abstracts, EBSCO
Academic Search Complete, TOXLINE, AGRIS, Food Science and Technology
Abstracts – FSTA, and Ergonomic Abstracts, тогаш сфаќате дека оставате сериозен импакт најмлаку во регионот.
Во прилог ви го испраќам писмото што главниот уредник на Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology денес ми го упати мене и се разбира дека мојот одговор беше позитивен. Ова е уште еден доказ за „неверните Томи„ дека сме на вистинскиот пат. Јавно му заблагодарувам на главниот уредник м-р Херман за покажаниот интерес кон нашето списание.
Главен и одговорен уредник на ДТП/JSER
Dear Dr. Trajkovski,
You are invited to consider our proposal to exchange
printed versions of your journal /Journal of Special Education and
Rehabilitation/for our /Archives of Industrial Hygiene and
Your journal has been highly regarded by the Editorial Board
of the /Archives /and the Croatian Institute for Medical Research and
Occupational Health as the publisher. We feel that the exchange, though
not always on equal terms, is an expression of solidarity between
scientific journals that deserves to be cherished. Your suggestions as
to the details of the exchange arrangements are welcome. Should you find
it more convenient, we might exchange the journals by volumes as they
expire, that is, at the end of each volume.
/Archives of Industrial
Hygiene and Toxicology /is a quarterly journal indexed in SCI Expanded,
Medline, Scopus, and many other indexing bases.
We publish peer reviewed
contributions relevant to all aspects of environmental and occupational
health and toxicology. It is our belief that the proposed exchange would
advance the scientific work of both our journals, as it would provide better
insight into current scientific trends.
Please reply to this address in
order to confirm your interest.
Thank you for your time and
Kind regards,
Makso Herman, MA
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