Friday, April 5, 2013

Цитираност од полски автори

Почитувани колешки и колеги,
Цитираноста на нашите трудови постепено, но сигурно си расте. овој пат нашиот труд го цитираат полски автори: Beata Kazek, Ewa Jamroz, Maciej Kajor, Urszula Grzybowska-Chlebowczyk,
Monika Ciupińska-Kajor, Halina Woś во трудот под наслов: The content of serotonin cells in duodenal biopsies of autistic patients во списанието Pediatria polska. Референцата е под реден број 30 и тоа со трудот: Trajkovski V, Petelichkowski A, Efinska Mladenovska O. Higher 438 plasma concentration of food specific antibodies in 439 persons with an autistic disorder in comparison to their 440 siblings. Focus Autism Other Dev Disabl 2008;23:176–185. Во прилог го споделувам само апстрактот.

Introduction: Autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) don't have the same etiology. Platelet
hyperserotonemia remain the most common neurochemical abnormality in these
patients. The main producer and storage of peripheral serotonin are enteric enterochromaffin
cells – serotonin cells. Platelet hyperserotonemia may result from disorders in the
synthesis and/or release of enteric serotonin. An increased number of people with ASD
have gastrointestinal disorders. Some of them have a serotonergic background. Aim: The
aim was to assess the serotonin cells in the duodenal mucosa of patients with ASD.
Material and methods: Study group: 30 children with ASD, including 73% with duodenitis
chronica. Control group (patients without ASD): 45 patients, 56% with duodenitis chronica.
Immunohistochemical assessment of the number of serotonin cells was performed.'
Results: Children with ASD and duodenitis have fewer serotonin cells than autistic children
with a normal picture of the duodenum. Children with ASD and chronic duodenitis
have fewer serotonin cells than patients from the control group. Patients from the control
group, suffering from chronic duodenitis have an increased number of serotonin cells
in relation to children without inflammatory lesions in the duodenum. Conclusions: The
serotonergic profiles of the GI tract of autistic patients and their peers without autistic
symptoms are different. In the course of chronic duodenitis in patients with ASD the number
of serotonin cells falls while in persons without autistic features it increases significantly.
Chronic duodenitis contributes to an increase in the number of serotonin cells in
persons without autistic features while decreasing it in patients with ASD.


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