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Trajkovski V. Autism spectrum disorder as frequent neurodevelopmental disorder – a challenge for Diagnosis. Book of Abstracts International Scientific Conference: “Psychology for all”. Ohrid, 26-28 September 2019; 15.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that occurs within the first 3 years of life, which is marked by social skills and communication deficits along with stereotyped repetitive behavior. Despite widespread research and greater public awareness, ASD has an unclear etiology and
no known cure, making it difficult to acquire accurate and timely diagnoses.
Autism is a life-long disorder that has a substantial effect on the individual, their family, and society and recent USA estimates indicate that the prevalence of autism is high (1 in 59 children).
The purpose of this review is to: 1) describe commonly used screening instruments and tools for early diagnosis; and 2) describe early interventions that have empirical support.
Research suggests that there are multiple, interacting genes involved in its inheritance, and that the neurobiological abnormalities are pervasive and not confined to any one particular region of the brain. A growing body of evidence supports the value of early diagnosis and treatment with evidence-based interventions, which can significantly improve the quality of life of individuals with ASD as well as of their carers and families. This article highlights the importance of early diagnosis which is significant because of the early beginning of treatment and opening up of the possibilities for better quality of child development.
There is a need for more consistent and continuous support for autistic individuals and their families during the diagnostic and treatment odyssey, as well as resources that better represent the diversity of experiences and symptoms associated with autism across the life course.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, neurodevelopmental disorders, early diagnosis, early treatment